Elisabeth Stöckl, born 1987, graduated from the college for photography at the Graphische Wien and completed her social work studies at the FH Campus in Vienna. Today, she is active as a social worker in Caritas Vienna’s low-threshold homeless care program. At ipsum, she conceptualizes and implements projects at schools and in the context of flight, migration and homelessness.
Kontakt: elisabeth@ipsum.at
Interkultureller Kunstverein
Müllerstrasse 28
A-6020 Innsbruck
Kalvarienberggasse 8/3
A-1170 Wien
ZVR-Zahl: 237692946
EuropeAid ID: AT-2013-BAQ-3101659293
T: +43 6506208242 (Erik Hörtnagl)
T: +43 6507770560 (Vera Brandner)